Author: bryan

  • KOII PDF Manual

    KOII PDF Manual

    B&H Photo has kindly offered a link to the Teenage Engineering EP-133 KOII manual in PDF format.

  • RØDE Microphones Takes Over Mackie

    RØDE Microphones Takes Over Mackie

    In a significant move in the audio industry, Rode Microphones has acquired Mackie, a renowned brand known for its professional music and recording equipment. Mackie, a name synonymous with quality and innovation in music technology, is now under the umbrella of Rode Microphones. The acquisition is seen as a strategic move to expand Rode’s influence…

  • Various Artists – Dagger Tapes #3: Mommy Musn’t Know (cassette, 1990)

    Various Artists – Dagger Tapes #3: Mommy Musn’t Know (cassette, 1990)

    No.4185 “This tape is full of punk tunes in the classic thrash/growl/tumble style and loaded with energy from the likes of Grimace Abortion, Dead Horse, Big Mistake, Krack, DeKay, The Divorced, Jack Tragic and the Unfortunates, Big Satan, Catharsis, BAse Apes, Sanity Assassins, Organ Donors, Black Indian, SVOE, Off the Wall, Hellhound and Sam Black…

  • Seiten Recipe

    Seiten Recipe

    I found this on the ground the other day while walking my dog, Mara. Don’t forget 1/3 cup hooch (#2).

  • Teenage Engineering EP133 KOII Tips

    Teenage Engineering EP133 KOII Tips

    This is a highly informative video I discovered on the #teenageengineering #EP133 KOII. This instructional video offers a wealth of tips and tricks that can enhance your experience with this innovative music-making device. Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced user, this video offers insights gleaned from hands-on experience and the official manual. You…

  • Releasing a Digital Download Album on Your Own Website Using WooCommerce: A Complete Guide

    Releasing a Digital Download Album on Your Own Website Using WooCommerce: A Complete Guide

    Releasing a digital download album on your own website can be an exciting yet daunting task. However, with the right tools and guidance, it can be a straightforward process. This article will guide you on how to release a digital download album on your own website using WooCommerce. Step 1: Setting Up WooCommerce The first…

  • More Ephemerol – Apotheosis Pageant (Vinyl, Digital, 2023)

    More Ephemerol – Apotheosis Pageant (Vinyl, Digital, 2023)

    No.5235 GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker: “Apotheosis Pageant” by More Ephemerol, released May 12, 2023, harks back to the classic era of indie synthpop. The LA-based duo, C. Fjerstad and Tamara Sky, have created an album that marries vintage analog and digital instruments with modern production methods, resulting in a captivating sonic experience. The ten-track…

  • Review: ‘Mann’ by The Yellow Diary

    Review: ‘Mann’ by The Yellow Diary

    The Yellow Diary, a quintet hailing from Mumbai, has been a stronghold in India’s indie rock scene for the better part of the last decade. With their pulsating pop tunes and heartfelt ballads, TYD has mastered the art of crowd engagement and emotional connectivity. Their long-awaited third EP, ‘Mann’, is no exception. ‘Mann’ is a…

  • Busy Beaver Button Co.

    Busy Beaver Button Co.

    The Chicago-based Busy Beaver Button Co. is a creative hub that believes in the importance of expression, sharing ideas, and building community. With a broad catalog of products ranging from custom buttons, magnets, lapel magnets, bottle openers, mirrors, button packs, stickers, die-cut stickers, enamel pins, to special finishes, they have been turning imaginative concepts into…

  • Green Love

    Green Love

    I work with a bunch of people that have become a big part of my life. And often their families come with that. Jorgé’s daughter, Gilda, was at the shop one day and made these cards and left them on our desks. Green love for everyone.

The key (for all my music) is – was it FUN… for me, for the other players, for the listener(s) (if there are any, lol).Dick Metcalf (Rotcod Zzaj)

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