Author: bryan

  • ToFuZaHo – All Points Forward (Digital, 1998)

    ToFuZaHo – All Points Forward (Digital, 1998)

    No.5232 DOWNLOAD @ ARCHIVE.ORG GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker: ToFuZaHo’s 1998 release, “All Points Forward,” is a standout selection in the ZH27 catalog. This album is a mesmerizing blend of analog and digital space synth work, coupled with a rich array of organic, acoustic sounds. ToFu is Tom Furgas and ZaHo is Zan Hoffman and…

  • Illusion of Safety – Pastoral (CD, Digital, 2023)

    Illusion of Safety – Pastoral (CD, Digital, 2023)

    No.5231 GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker: “Illusion of Safety” is no stranger to the experimental music scene. With a history spanning four decades, this Chicago-based project has consistently pushed the boundaries of electronic music. Their latest offering, “Pastoral,” set for release on December 10, 2023, is no exception. From the outset, “Pastoral” offers an intriguing…

  • Susnara-Clinger – Susnara-Clinger (Digital, 2022)

    Susnara-Clinger – Susnara-Clinger (Digital, 2022)

    No.5230 GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker: “Susnara-Clinger,” the 2022 release from Dan Susnara and Ken Clinger, is an intriguing collection that appears to encompass years of collaborative work. This album, while scant on specific details, offers a rich tapestry of diverse musical styles, all masterfully woven together through the talents of both artists. From the…

  • Russ Stedman – This Is Normal (Digital, 2022)

    Russ Stedman – This Is Normal (Digital, 2022)

    No.5229 GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker: Russ Stedman’s “This Is Normal” is a musical journey that refuses to conform to the ordinary, making it anything but ‘normal.’ Released on June 10, 2022, this album is a testament to Stedman’s prowess as a musician, blending heavy guitar power with cathartic vocals. From the opening track “Trauma,”…

  • Waves of Seeing – ZĀM (Vinyl, Digital, 2023)

    Waves of Seeing – ZĀM (Vinyl, Digital, 2023)

    No.5228 Download Album HERE GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker: “Waves of Seeing,” the debut album from ZĀM, is a daring exploration of improvised music that doesn’t shy away from pushing boundaries. Released on November 24, 2023, this album is a fusion of noise, rock, ambient, new age, glitch, drone, hardcore, sludge, psychedelic, electronica, and free…

  • What Is Roland Cloud?

    What Is Roland Cloud?

    Roland Cloud is an innovative platform that serves as a comprehensive library of over 50 virtual instruments, encapsulating the essence of modern music. This digital collection, accessible to musicians worldwide, allows for an extensive range of creative possibilities1. The platform offers three membership levels to cater to different needs – Core, Pro, and Ultimate. Each…

  • Rafael González and Hal McGee – Trash Milagro (Digital, 2023)

    Rafael González and Hal McGee – Trash Milagro (Digital, 2023)

    No.5224 GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker: The sonic landscape that is “Trash Milagro” marries the unconventional artistry of Rafael González and Hal McGee, bringing together a myriad of sound sources from their respective environments. As a fan of dictaphone assemblage audio folk art, this album offers an intriguing auditory journey through the everyday sounds that…

  • The Human Hearts –  (Vinyl, Digital, 2023)

    The Human Hearts –  (Vinyl, Digital, 2023)

    No.5227 GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker: The Human Hearts, centered around the songs of Franklin Bruno, presents their album “Viable,” a dynamic exploration of wide-ranging musical styles. Released on October 20, 2023, the album is a testament to Bruno’s unique songwriting prowess and his ability to blur (or maybe embrace) genre boundaries. Setting the stage…

  • Sam Amidon – Sam Amidon (Digital, 2020)

    Sam Amidon – Sam Amidon (Digital, 2020)

    No.5226 GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker: Sam Amidon’s self-titled album, released on October 23, 2020, is a fascinating exploration of folk music that bridges the gap between traditional and contemporary sounds. The album is a testament to Amidon’s talent for reinterpreting classic folk songs in a way that feels both fresh and nostalgic. His vocals,…

  • Kilby Court: Celebrating 25 Years as Salt Lake City’s Longest-Running All-Ages Venue

    Kilby Court: Celebrating 25 Years as Salt Lake City’s Longest-Running All-Ages Venue

    This year, Salt Lake City’s beloved all-ages venue, Kilby Court, celebrates a significant milestone – its 25th anniversary. Since its inception, Kilby Court has played a pivotal role in the city’s vibrant music scene, providing a platform for both local and touring artists. Conveniently located in Salt Lake City, Utah, Kilby Court has been a…

They say there’s a song inspired by William Shatner, the Blair Witch Project and Spinal

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