Kilby Court: Celebrating 25 Years as Salt Lake City’s Longest-Running All-Ages Venue

This year, Salt Lake City’s beloved all-ages venue, Kilby Court, celebrates a significant milestone – its 25th anniversary. Since its inception, Kilby Court has played a pivotal role in the city’s vibrant music scene, providing a platform for both local and touring artists.

Conveniently located in Salt Lake City, Utah, Kilby Court has been a cultural hub for music lovers across generations. Its commitment to being an all-ages venue has made it a unique fixture in the city, allowing music fans of all ages to discover and enjoy live performances in an intimate setting.

Over the past quarter-century, Kilby Court has welcomed a diverse range of performers, from emerging local bands to established national acts. Its cozy atmosphere and excellent acoustics have made it a favorite among artists and concertgoers alike. It has also been instrumental in fostering a sense of community among music enthusiasts in Salt Lake City.

As Kilby Court commemorates its 25-year anniversary, it stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of live music and the importance of inclusive spaces that welcome all music fans. Despite the challenges presented by the digital age and the aftermath of the pandemic, Kilby Court has remained committed to its mission and continues to be a vital part of Salt Lake City’s cultural landscape.

For more information about upcoming shows or to learn more about Kilby Court’s history, visit their website Kilby Court.






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The key (for all my music) is – was it FUN… for me, for the other players, for the listener(s) (if there are any, lol).Dick Metcalf (Rotcod Zzaj)

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