Evolution Control Committee

Profile 102

The Evolution Control Committee was created in 1986 by Columbus, Ohio’s Mark Gunderson. The project was an early pioneer of “Plagiarhythm” a self-coined term for music which heavily utilizes copyright music as its basis for new art, often with an agitational bent. In recent years, Gunderson is found teaching new media art at Ohio State University as well as broadening his artistic vision into installations and other new media adventures.





I am Briyan Frederick (aka Bryan Baker), probably best known as the publisher of GAJOOB and a founder of Tapegerm Collective I’m collecting all of that and more on dabodab, where I write about and document my life as a graphic arts professional, songwriter, experimental recording artist, publisher, local and personal historian, grassroots business supporter, silver creative, podcaster, vlogger and zinester. read more.
