Author: Bryan

  • Unlocking Home Studio Potential on a Budget: The Behringer UMC22

    Unlocking Home Studio Potential on a Budget: The Behringer UMC22

    In the world of home recording, finding the right gear that balances quality with affordability can be a daunting task. Enter the Behringer UMC22, a compact audio interface that promises to deliver on both fronts. The Behringer UMC22 stands out primarily for its incredible value for money. Despite its compact size, it doesn’t fall short…

  • snacks – the cinnamon show

    snacks – the cinnamon show

    no.5247 (CD, 2002) In the landscape of modern music, where genres blend and identities often merge into a homogenous mix, Snacks’ album “The Cinnamon Show” emerges as a delightful anomaly. This 2002 release, steeped in the traditions of keyboard-based pop/soul R&B, taps into a rich vein of musical nostalgia while forging its own distinct path.…

  • Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II’s Latest Update

    Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II’s Latest Update

    Teenage Engineering, renowned for its innovative musical equipment, has recently rolled out a firmware update for the EP-133 K.O. With the introduction of version 1.2.1, users are now greeted with a highly anticipated feature: the backup and restore tool. The backup and restore tool addresses a crucial need for musicians and producers who rely on…

  • Selecting All Images Makes Us Human

    Selecting All Images Makes Us Human

  • BandLab Hits a Major Milestone: Surpassing 100 Million Users

    BandLab Hits a Major Milestone: Surpassing 100 Million Users

    In an era where digital platforms have become the cornerstone of music production and collaboration, BandLab has announced a remarkable achievement that underscores its growing influence in the global music scene. The social music creation platform has officially surpassed 100 million users, a milestone that not only highlights its popularity but also the increasing demand…

  • Navigating the Digital Preservation of Handwritten Journals: A Guide for Professionals

    Navigating the Digital Preservation of Handwritten Journals: A Guide for Professionals

    In the digital age, the task of preserving handwritten journals and personal manuscripts poses unique challenges and opportunities for professionals in the archival and preservation sector. We came across an inquiry on Facebook about converting approximately 20 copies of a client’s handwritten journals into a digital format sparked a rich conversation among industry experts. This…

  • Embracing the Absurd: Philosophy’s Unconventional Wisdom

    Embracing the Absurd: Philosophy’s Unconventional Wisdom

    In a thought-provoking article on Aeon, Helena de Bres, a professor of philosophy at Wellesley College, explores the inherent absurdity of philosophy and, by extension, life itself. De Bres draws upon personal experiences and philosophical theories to argue that philosophy, when practiced earnestly, reveals the absurd nature of human existence. The article begins with a…

  • Why Surrealism Matters – Mark Polizzotti

    Why Surrealism Matters – Mark Polizzotti

    “Why Surrealism Matters” by Mark Polizzotti, published by Yale University Press, is a compelling exploration into the heart of one of the most influential and enigmatic art movements of the 20th century. Across its 232 pages, Polizzotti delves into the essence of surrealism, presenting a vivid narrative that captures the reader’s imagination and offers profound…

  • Crafting Living Histories: The Art of Multimedia Storytelling in Preserving Family Legacies

    Crafting Living Histories: The Art of Multimedia Storytelling in Preserving Family Legacies

    In the digital age, the quest to preserve family history has transcended beyond the traditional photo albums and handwritten journals. As the publisher of a long-standing magazine dedicated to DIYer music artists, my journey into exploring my own family history has been deeply enriched by the integration of multimedia materials. This fusion of audio, video,…

  • Why LA Public Press Turned Its Landlord Accountability Series Into a Zine

    Why LA Public Press Turned Its Landlord Accountability Series Into a Zine

    In an innovative approach to journalism and community engagement, the LA Public Press has embarked on a unique project that merges investigative reporting with the grassroots charm of zine culture. Their “Landlord Accountability Series” stands as a testament to this creative endeavor, transforming in-depth research and reporting on housing issues into accessible zine format. This…