The Bim Prongs/Furchick – EC Split 15

GAJOOB Archive #4210

from Electronic Cottage | Digital Download

Through nearly 30 albums that make up the EC Split series, Hal McGee has often made the pairing of artists an added experience to the album. W.A. Davison (The Bim Prongs) and Claire Pannell (Furchick) mine similar experimental veins in their own soundscapes. On this album, the differences to me are that Furchick’s “side” is three distinct pieces each with a different combination of sounds. Her approach is less loop-oriented than Davison’s here I think, but both collage sounds that revolve and call back. Both sides are filled with real sounds, while synthesized and manipulated textures seep into each mix as well.





dabodab‘s passion is local, diy, creative, historical and grassroots. I am Briyan Frederick (aka Bryan Baker), a graphic arts professional, songwriter, experimental recording artist, publisher, local and personal historian, silver creative, podcaster, vlogger and zinester. I’m better known as the publisher of GAJOOB and a founder of Tapegerm Collective… read more.
