Rephazer – What’s on the Tape #1 (Digital, 2023)


Recorded a collection of sketches from an OP-1 Field Tape which got created over time while working on various sound packs or by just jamming and fooling around.


I got this from a post on the op-1 users reddit because I’m just getting into the OP-1 Field myself and I’m hungry to soak up stuff in this mileau.

Electronic music artist Rephazer, better known as Marc van Leeuwen, has treated his fans to a new album titled “What’s on the Tape #1,” released in January 2023. Rephazer’s music falls into the larger category of Electronic music, where he tailors his signature sound through the use of a variety of synthesizers and sound samplers. As an experienced artist in the genre, Rephazer has been known for his ability to explore a myriad of sonic textures, artfully combining beats, melodies, and unique soundscapes.

For his latest musical endeavor, “What’s on the Tape #1,” Rephazer takes inspiration from his OP-1 Field, a collection of audio sketches made over time while working on various sound packs or simply jamming and experimenting. The album showcases the artist’s exceptional ability to create electronic music using instruments like the Octatrack, P12, Digitone, GR-1, V-Machine, and of course, the OP-1 Field. The album was recorded using a MacBook Air M1.

Throughout “What’s on the Tape #1,” listeners are bound to find a variety of ambient, rhythmic, and melodically-driven tracks that showcase Rephazer’s talent in composition and sound design. A noteworthy track is “Disappointment,” which starts with an ethereal synth pad that builds up to bursts of heavy, complex rhythms and percussive elements. The hooks and melodies throughout this track stand testament to Marc’s ability to craft intricate productions.

Another standout track, “Conclusion,” showcases Rephazer’s mastery of building and maintaining a steady groove while introducing unexpected samples. The track evokes a sense of shifting time and space, making it a truly immersive experience.

The production quality is quite impressive, with each instrument and sample cohesively blending into a unified soundscape. It becomes apparent that Rephazer has expertly harnessed the power of his recording equipment, successfully capturing the delicate nuances of each instrument and delivering a polished, professional sound.

In conclusion, “What’s on the Tape #1” is a diverse and mesmerizing album that showcases Rephazer’s skills as a versatile electronic music producer. Fans of the Electronic genre are sure to find this album interesting and inspiring, while those new to Rephazer’s music will likely appreciate the intricate compositions and captivating soundscapes.

Media: Digital.

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