Prose in Cannes – The Story of Sidea & Sideb (cassette, 1992)


GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker, 9/27/1994:

Roger Skullback’s Prose in Cannes is back with his latest work of electro-acoustic musique concrete. The thing that sets Skullback’s work here apart from other such artists is an obvious (to the listener) determination for quality. It’s evident in the packaging as well as the sounds on the tape, and while Skullback works with non-traditional sounds (in the sense of pop music, anyway), these pieces have a definite orchestrated quality to them. If you’re new to the noise/sound collage game, I could surely recommend this as a starting point to the genre, while lovers of this kind of work will appreciate the creativity alive with sound.

Media: cassette.

CONTACT: Roger Skullback, Ramco Records, Minneapolis, MN, USA




dabodab‘s passion is diy music and graphic arts and other creative pursuits, local grassroots community and historical engagement. I am Briyan Frederick (aka Bryan Baker), a graphic arts professional, songwriter, experimental recording artist, publisher, local and personal historian, silver creative, podcaster, vlogger and zinester. I’m better known as the publisher of GAJOOB and a founder of Tapegerm Collective… read more.
